Ken Smith is an artist based in Tramore, County Waterford. His work explores the relationship between nature, people and place in a coastal environment. His paintings are characterised by vibrant colors, intricate brushstrokes, and a unique atmosphere of drama and beauty..
He seeks to capture his subjects in moments of quiet contemplation and reflection, where the beauty of nature and the fragility of human life are juxtaposed. Ken is inspired by the ever-changing landscape and his works are a reminder of our shared responsibility to protect and preserve it.
Ken's oil paintings stand out from the crowd due to his unique use of light and shadow. He emphasizes the unique beauty of the Irish landscape by maintaining strong contrast between light and shadow, helping to bring texture and form to his compositions. Rather than representational scenes, his paintings often express a more abstract view of nature; with bold use of colour and brushstrokes, he conveys the essence of his subject in a unique and striking way.
For enquiries please email ken@kensmith.ie
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